Welcome to ISJ


  • E Ottaviani Dept. Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy


ISJ is not only a free online journal, but also the first publication specifically dedicated to the basic defense mechanisms in invertebrates. It aims to act as a mirror reflecting new applications to fight invertebrate related or vectored diseases and addressing economic damage such as the consumption of food sources. When we decided to start this new Journal, we considered a wide spectrum of formats, ranging from a peer-reviewed, printed publication to a free and unmoderated World Wide Web newsgroup. We felt that speed and facilitated distribution, together with an absence of publishing costs, were important elements. At the same time, the reliability and academic rigour of the published items must be guaranteed. Consequently, we have decided to launch an online journal that will allow rapid publication of papers without distribution expenses, while also offering additional important advantages such as linking to referenced articles, database entries, supplier information, etc. Moreover, we have preferred a free and online journal in order to guarantee unlimited access to the published papers and attract the largest number of readers. The only element that could affect the publication time is the peer-review of articles, but this procedure is imperative to guarantee the quality level of the contributions. However, as an online journal, all steps from submission through reviewing and editing to final formatting are managed through the ISJ' Web server, so avoiding the need to transmit texts and figures by electronic or standard mail.






Letters to Editor